Infection prevention and control

Keep our patients safe
Infection prevention and control (IPC) helps us keep our hospitals safe from nasty bugs. We can all help to reduce the spread of infectious diseases by following a few simple rules.
Inpatients can help by
- sanitising your hands at the handwash stations regularly
- washing your hands with soap and water after using the toilet and if they are visibly dirty
- wearing slippers or slipper socks while you walk about the ward and shoes when you’re outside – you may pick up dirt and debris that is transferred to your bed
Outpatients can help by
- sanitising your hands at the handwash stations before you enter the clinic and on leaving
- removing your outdoor coat before you enter the examination room
Please don’t be afraid to ask if we have washed our hands.
Visitors can help by
- not visiting relatives and friends if you’ve had diarrhoea and vomiting in the previous 48 hours
- sanitising your hands when you arrive on the ward and when you leave, where sanitiser is provided
- washing your hands with soap and water if they are visibly soiled and after using the toilet
- taking off your outside coat before you enter the ward
- not sitting on the bed as you can transmit infections through your outdoor clothing to the bedsheets.
If your relative has an infection, speak to the ward staff to see if there are any special instructions during visiting times.
Read more about how we’re keeping you safe
- Visit our performance page for information about our infection control targets
- Read our speak out safely pledge
- Find out about our Accident and Emergency quality indicators
- View information about our safe staffing levels