

We’re helping loved ones to stay in touch with our ‘Thinking of you’ campaign

Thinking of You Postcard design

Thinking of you postcard

Families and friends of patients at Queen’s and King George hospitals have been invited to send messages and pictures to show their loved ones they are thinking of them, while they are unable to visit.

We’ve launched a ‘Thinking of you’ campaign, which allows families and friends of our patients to fill in an form, or relay a message by phone, which will then be delivered to their loved one.

This follows our difficult decision to temporarily suspend all visiting, except in specific circumstances, to keep patients, and the staff caring for them, safe while we deal with Covid-19.

Tony Chambers, our Chief Executive, said: “We know not being able to see their loved ones is extremely hard for our patients, and their friends and families. Our Thinking of you campaign is a small way in which we can help them to keep in touch. By sending some heartfelt words to our patients, and even a picture or two, it will remind them that, while they can’t be together, they are very much in their thoughts.”

To send a message to a loved one, visit our web page, to fill in and submit your message via an online form, to which you can also attach pictures. Alternatively, if you do not have access to a computer, you can call 01708 503 604, Monday to Friday between 10am and 2pm, to send a message to your loved one.

Make sure you include the recipient’s full name, date of birth and ward name, to ensure it gets to them.

Messages will be printed and delivered to patients after 3pm each day.


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