Media centre

Information for media
Our Communications team manages all media enquiries and requests for filming and photography. As well as responding to questions or queries we can help you to find experts who can talk to you about a wide variety of clinical issues.
You must contact the Communications team first - please do not approach our staff directly. We are in the best position to find the information you need as quickly as possible.
Contact the team
Phone: 01708 435 294 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)
Out of hours media enquiries
07795 642 319
This number is for out of hours media enquiries and filming and photography requests. We are not medically trained and cannot answer enquiries from the public.
Confidentiality and the media
We have a duty of confidentiality to all our patients and will not release any information to the media about a patient unless we are given consent from the individual concerned or their next of kin.
The only exception to this is where a patient, or someone acting on his or her behalf, invites the media to report on their treatment. When the media coverage contains inaccuracies, or unfair criticism, we may respond in public using factual information to correct misleading reports.
Dealing with major incidents
We have a plan to help us manage incidents and large scale emergencies. This plan includes arrangements for the media.
In the event of a major incident:
- the Communications team will make every effort to provide timely information to the media and regular updates
- if necessary, we will establish a press centre at the hospital; the directions will be clearly marked
- we will, where possible, facilitate interviews with our staff
- we will update social media and our website regularly.
For further information about arrangements for journalists and the media in the event of a major incident please contact the Communications team
Filming and photography
If you would like to film or take photographs at one of our hospitals you must have permission from the Communications team. This is to ensure we protect the interests and confidentiality of our patients and do not disrupt the running of our busy hospitals.
If your filming or photography request does not directly link to our work, there is normally a fee payable. You can contact the Communications team for more details.
Anyone who is found filming or taking photographs at our hospitals without permission will be asked to leave immediately, and footage and photographs may be confiscated.
During filming and photography:
- Film crews and photographers must be accompanied at all times by a member of our staff
- Rigorous infection control procedures must be respected; for example, hand gel must be used on entering and leaving clinical areas
- No patients or staff may be filmed without obtaining signed consent.