

New Year, new baby

Baby Ezel Miran Pekedis

Baby Ezel Miran Pekedis

It was less than an hour into 2024 when the first New Year’s Day baby was born at Queen’s Hospital – well ahead of his 22 January due date.

Baby Ezel Miran Pekedis (above) was born at 12.55am – after keeping our midwives, and his parents Andreea, 27, and Sabahatullah, 33, in suspense over whether he would have a 2023 or 2024 date of birth.

The couple, of East Ham, were staying at my Andreea’s sisters when her waters broke around 11.30am on New Year’s Eve. Luckily, it was just around the corner from Queen’s Hospital.

Andreea said; “It was totally unexpected and I just wanted to get to the nearest hospital quickly. I didn’t start having contractions until around 8pm, and they got really strong as we approached midnight, so we did wonder in what year he would come.

“It was a wonderful experience and I could hear all the fireworks. It wasn’t how I expected to spend the New Year, it was better. It was so lovely that he was the first baby of the New Year, and the staff were really amazing.”

Ezel is Andreea and Sabahatullah’s first child.

Baby Aamna

Baby Aamna (above) also didn’t wait long into 2024 to make her entrance and was born at 1.32am.

Aamna, who was due on 17 December, is a much longed for girl as her parents Masoud, 40, and Nadia Khan, 33, already have sons Moneeb, nine, and Obaid, six. Both brothers were very excited to welcome their new sister (below).

Baby Aamna and her brothers

Masoud, of Ilford, said: “They just want her at home with them. It’s lovely to finally have a girl, my wife really wanted a daughter to add to our family.

“We thought she would come before Christmas, so we were very surprised she came on New Year’s Day.”

Nadia had come into hospital just after Christmas for an induction, going into labour on the morning of New Year’s Eve.

Masoud added of Aamna: “She didn’t want to come in the old year, she wanted to wait for the new one.”

Baby who has yet to be named

First-time parents Premjith Pilakkal, 30, and Sreelakshmy Kallappillunkal BaBu, 29, now have a job on their hands, deciding on a name after welcoming their daughter (above) at 2.40am.

Premjith said: “We have a few names on the list, but we’ve not finalised it yet.

“She was due on 5 January but we came in early for an induction as Sreelakshmy had gestational diabetes. We never expected her to come on New Year’s Day though.”

Ezel, Aamna and Premjith and Sreelakshmy’s little girl were among 16 babies born at Queen’s on New Year’s Day. The same number born on another special date, Christmas Day.

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