

Lennox Children’s Cancer Fund delivers goodies for our young patients

Pictured are (l-r): Ranjith Joseph, lead consultant from our children with cancer service, Liane Giudice, oncology clinical nurse specialist, Olajumoke Davies, speciality paediatrics oncology doctor, and Joe Cavanagh, Lennox fundraiser and call handler.

Our young cancer patients got a boost following a visit by the Lennox Children’s Cancer Fund – delivering backpacks full of goodies to support them during a stay in hospital.

The backpacks include a cuddly Lennox lion, blanket, cosy socks, journal, colouring books and pencils, earphones, games and a water bottle – all there to keep them comfortable and occupied in our hospitals.

The bags don’t only cater to our young patients either; they also contain items to support parents or carers spending time in hospital with them. These include a travel cup, toiletries, charger and neck pillow.

Lindsey Bidwell, Lennox’s Relations and Partnerships Manager, said: “It’s all about showing them we’ve got their backs and are there for them.

“It’s really lovely to be able to give these to a child, and for them to know they’re not alone.”

The backpacks, which are being delivered to a number of hospitals, have been partly funded by the Essex Freemasons.

Pictured above are (l-r): Ranjith Joseph, lead consultant from our children with cancer service, Liane Giudice, oncology clinical nurse specialist, Olajumoke Davies, speciality paediatrics oncology doctor, and Joe Cavanagh, Lennox fundraiser and call handler.

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