

‘It’s something we’ll remember for a lifetime’

Sinead and Baba at the gates of Buckingham Palace

Sinead Skelton, a senior nurse, and radiographer Oluwole Adeyiga, known as Baba, were invited to a Buckingham Palace Garden Party this week – an experience they’ll remember forever.

Sinead said: “The national anthem played and King Charles and Queen Camilla came down the steps, it took my breath away. Princess Anne, Edward and Sophie were there too.

“It was a real honour and a privilege to go, and it was so nice to go with Baba. We kept saying to each other ‘can you believe we’re here?’ It was really surreal when we first walked through the Palace gates and under the balcony, it looks much smaller than it does on TV. Then we were looking back out on the crowds outside thinking this is what it must be like for the royal family.

“It’s something we’ll remember for a lifetime.”

Baba, who also attended a special event for our apprentices at the House of Commons earlier this year, in recognition of his working his way from a porter to a radiographer at our Trust via an apprenticeship, added: “It was a lovely experience and we met some wonderful people. I wouldn’t change it for anything. It was awesome and I’m so thankful for the opportunity, and it’s all thanks to my apprenticeship journey.

“It was a special moment walking through the gates, and to be just a stone’s throw from the King, I’ve never been in the presence of anyone like it before.”

King Charles at the garden party

Despite being lined up to meet the King himself (above), Sinead and Baba missed the opportunity when they rushed to help someone in the crowd when a fellow guest was injured by a wheelchair rolling over her foot.

The garden party was held on Wednesday 8 May. These events recognise those who have had a positive impact in their communities.

Pictured below, Sinead and Baba at the Palace gates.

Baba and Sinead at Buckingham Palace gates

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