

Caoilin Maclaverty and Maria Colomo appointed our our new Women's Network and Reference Group Co-chairs

Caoilin Maclaverty, Consultant Obstetrician, and Maria Colomo, ITU Consultant

Caoilin Maclaverty, Consultant Obstetrician, and Maria Colomo, ITU Consultant, are our new Women's Network and Reference Group Co-chairs. In this video, they explain why they were interested in leading the network, and some of its aims.

All staff are welcome to join our next Women’s Network meeting on Wednesday 7 July from 11am to 12noon.

Our Women’s Network is one of four staff networks. Our other networks include our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Network, LGBT+ Network, and Ability not Disability Network. All of the groups provide support for our staff, and drive improvements to make our hospitals fairer places to work and receive care.

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