

VTE team’s victory at Parliament

VTE team at parliament

We're so proud of our venous thromboembolism (VTE) prevention team, who were invited to the Thrombosis UK VTE Awards at Parliament on Wednesday 29 November, following the recent international poster presentation at Thrombosis UK let’s talk clots conference.

Our team were acknowledged for significant improvement in patient safety across the Trust with VTE prevention, management, and patient care.

VTE occurs when a blood clot forms in a vein, usually in the leg, and can be dangerous. Symptoms include swelling, throbbing pain, and red or darkened skin.

The team made great strides by focusing on a few key areas. They raised awareness about VTE among staff, added a special VTE check to their ward rounds, and introduced a new VTE course to our staff learning system.

Their work led to a 50 per cent increase in risk assessments being completed for patients between November 2022 and May of this year, and improved thromboprophylaxis prescribing at 95 per cent.

Inaul Hussain at parliament Inaul Hussain, our lead pharmacist for anticoagulation and the quality improvement lead on the project, said: "We're deeply thankful for this recognition. It's a testament to the hard work of the VTE team and everyone at BHRUT. Despite the significant improvement, there is scope to bridge the gaps.

“VTE remains an NHS Patient Safety Priority and the awards symbolises not just a celebration, but a step forward in improving VTE awareness, prevention and practice. I'm already looking forward to future Parliament visits, and not just for the tea and scones!"

Congratulations to the team!

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