

Latino Fiesta charity ball brings carnival atmosphere

colourful dancers and drummers at the charity ball

colourful dancers and drummers at the charity ball

The King George and Queen’s Hospitals Charity held its annual ball on Friday 24 November, with over 350 guests enjoying a vibrant South American carnival theme showcasing the best of Latino and Brazilian culture.

The event, which raised over £25,000, included a raffle and traditional and silent auctions where items up for grabs included golf days, restaurant vouchers, signed memorabilia, and a £500 Amazon gift card. The majority of these were generously donated and funded by individuals and businesses in the local community.

festival picture

Redbridge Mayor Jyotsna Islam, Council Leader, Jas Athwal, as well as councillors Tanweer Khan, Sham Islam, joined us on the night, alongside Epping District Councillor Darshan Sunger, and other council members. Pictured above is Cllr Jas Athwal, Mayor Jyotsna Islam, and Sav Atkar, local businessman.

The evening was full of entertainment including magicians, a live band, and a dazzling dance show displaying carnival exuberance which got guests up on their feet.

Attendee Christine Pethers said:

“This wonderful charity put on an incredible event, the atmosphere was amazing! There was plenty of entertainment, and the delicious food meant that a great evening was had by all.”

Head of Fundraising, Lynda Head, added:

“Our charity is overjoyed at the fabulous room of supporters who came out ready to dance the night away and help us raise money for our local hospitals. Thank you to everyone who joined us, your kind donations and for making our event the amazing success that it was.”

The charity plays an important role in improving the experience of patients at our hospitals.

The funds raised at the ball, held at The Willows Banqueting Suite, Hainault, will go towards ongoing children’s projects throughout the year, as well as other areas in our hospitals where the need is greatest.

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