

Healthcare Assistant Intern team wins award just five months after launching

Alison Henderson, Ray Goto, and Karen Dela Victoria

We are delighted that our Healthcare Assistant (HCA) Intern team has been named Team of the Year at the Healthcare Support Worker (HCSW) Awards.

The team was set up in April and works with our HCAs to ensure they’re supported as they start their careers at our Trust.

Since launching, the team – made up of Ray Goto, Karen Dela Victoria, and Alison Henderson – has provided pastoral support to 112 newly recruited HCAs, as well as those already in post across 55 wards and departments in our Trust.

The team also encourages and promotes the career progression pathways available to HCAs and helps them access opportunities including our Apprentice Nurse Associate programme. They also liaise with department and team heads to ensure the needs of HCAs are met.

They were presented with their award during a virtual ceremony yesterday.

Kathryn Halford, our Chief Nurse, said: “This award is fantastic recognition for the work of our new HCA Intern team. I cannot stress enough the positive impact they’ve made in supporting our HCAs since starting five months ago.

“We’re constantly improving how we welcome nursing staff into our Trust and Ray, Karen, and Alison are a shining example of the work we’re doing.”

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