

Best Photograph for Nursing and Best IEN of the Year awards

Left to Right: Harry Galsote, Melanie Fernandez, Endurance Obanor, Jincy Jose

Our Trust won two awards at the Capital Nurse International Recruitment event - Best Photograph for Nursing and Best IEN (International Educated Nurse) of the Year.

The Capital Nurse International Recruitment event, held on Thursday 15 June, showcased how international nurses are making a huge difference to our existing UK nursing workforce. The event included workshops and talks from guest speakers as well as an award ceremony.

For our photograph award the judges were impressed with how we captured three different international nurses both living/working in London. We were praised for our creativity and storytelling.

One of the photos captured how our IEN’s eat and work together. The second photo was centred around the tourist sight they most wanted to see when they arrived which was Tower Bridge. 

Winners - Melanie Fernandez, Endurance Obanor, Jincy Jose

Winning photo at Tower Bridge with our three members of staff

Endurance Obanor, Band 5 nurse said “I was so excited when they announced our Trust as the winners. For our photograph we wanted to show how here at BHRUT all IEN’s come together. So our photo entry was of myself, a Nigerian nurse, eating my lunch with a Melanie (Philippine nurse) Jincy (Indian nurse).”

Harry Galsote won Best IEN of the Year. The judges were impressed with the nursing contributions he has made. Harry has made some key improvements to the ward he works on and has recently been promoted to a Band 6 nurse.

Harry said: “I am so happy at winning this award. I feel proud to have won. I am so passionate about nursing and really happy that I have been recognised across the whole of London for my efforts.”

winners Left to Right: Harry Galsote, Melanie Fernandez, Endurance Obanor, Jincy Jose

Our winners - Left to Right: Harry Galsote, Melanie Fernandez, Endurance Obanor, Jincy Jose

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