Disclosure logs

Disclosure logs

Disclosure logs

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FOI 5392 - Electronic Patient Record (EPR), Electronic Prescribing Medicines Administration (ePMA), Patient Status at a glance (PSAG)

1. Does the Trust have an Electronic Patient Record (EPR)? If Yes: Who is the principle software provider? Are clinicians able to access patient records at the point of care (eg: at the bedside by cart, mounted PC etc) across all applicable locations?

We don’t have a full EPR solution – Medway is a PAS solution (Patient Administration System) but clinicians do have access to Medway at the point of care.

If no: Does the trust have a timetable to implement EPR?

There is currently no time-table to implement a full EPR

2. Has the trust fully implemented Electronic Prescribing Medicines Administration (ePMA)?

No. However we have e prescribing for chemotherapy

If no, does the trust have an anticipated timescale for full implementation?

Over next few years subject to funding

3. Has the trust implemented PSAG (Patient Status at a glance/ Electronic white boarding for bed management)?

We use an electronic bed board as part of the operational bed/site meetings but this doesn’t have patient data on it. We can access patient whiteboards on Medway any time of the day which does have patient details but isn’t displayed or used regularly for bed management.

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