Wards at Queen's Hospital

  1. Amber A ward

    Telephone: 01708 435 223

  2. Amber B ward

    Telephone: 01708 435 089

  3. Bluebell A ward

    Telephone: 01708 503 819

  4. Bluebell B ward

    Telephone: 01708 435 010

  5. CCU ward

    Telephone: 01708 435 335

  6. Clementine A ward

    Telephone: 01708 503 638

  7. Clementine B ward

    Telephone 01708 503 137

  8. Coral ward

    Telephone: 01708 435 399

  9. Cornflower B ward

    Telephone: 01708 435 092

  10. Harvest A ward

    Telephone: 01708 435 112

  11. Harvest B ward

    Telephone: 01708 435 494

  12. HDU ward

    Telephone: 01708 503 613

  13. ITU ward

    Telephone: 01708 435 334

  14. Jubilee ITU

  15. Mandarin A ward

    Telephone: 01708 435 090

  16. Mandarin B ward

    Telephone: 01708 435 091

  17. Medical Receiving Unit

    Telephone: 01708 435 181

  18. Neuro Critical Care ward

    Telephone: 01708 503 131

  19. NICU

    Telephone: 01708 435 115

  20. Ocean A ward

    Telephone: 01708 503 748

  21. Ocean B ward

    Telephone: 01708 435 374

  22. Post natal ward

    Telephone: 01708 435 083

  23. Queen’s Frailty Unit

    Telephone: 01708 504 220

  24. Sahara A ward

    Telephone: 01708 435 363

  25. Sahara B ward

    Telephone: 01708 435 151

  26. Sky A ward

    Telephone: 01708 435 530

  27. Sky B ward

    Telephone: 01708 435 274

  28. Sunflower Suite, haematology and oncology day centre at Queen's Hospital

    Telephone: 01708 435 285

  29. Sunrise A ward

    Telephone: 01708 503 183

  30. Sunrise B ward

    Telephone: 01708 435 076

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